Friday, January 22, 2010

Exploring the City I've Lived in All My Life

My friend and I walked around the roof of the mall downtown today,and it was HUGE! It also stretched over some of the smaller buildings, and it was great! We saw a bunny! How did it get up there, we wonder? And we think that there must be more than one bunny because there were lots of bunny.... presents left lying around. A few weeks ago a group of friends and us went up there for a snowball fight, and so we desperately hope that the bunny came up here AFTER that. The view from the roof is beautiful, you can see most of downtown. :)

After, we went to an expensive hotel and decided to look around the bottom floor. They have a cafe and a lounge, and we debated over tea but decided not to because the hotel can get very expensive. It's a beautiful hotel and used to be a castle. Our school is close to it, and I'm hoping to have prom there ^^

We're going to go to the art gallery soon, because she's never been there. I had a favourite exhibition called... aw I forget what it was called, but it was only a temporary exhibit :( It had lots of art pieces that resembled parts of the human body, and it had eerie music playing in it. I want to see it again... T_T

In any case, it's exam week, and I have GOT to relax because all I've done is stress this month. Not that I know how to relax.... sigh.