Going down to Toronto for a weekend was amazing. Leaving right after school in a rented car, we arrived after dark. Along the way, we sang along to the radio, played Monopoly, texted, and talked. We stopped for Swiss Chalet as we got into Scarborough, then headed on into the downtown core, where the Sheraton was. Amazing hotel, complete with its own waterfall garden and herb garden. We had a pillow fight and then went to bed.
The next morning, I awoke and went for a walk in the waterfall garden, though I had intended to cross the street and go to the city hall square. When the others woke, we went to the Ontario University Fair, the main reason of our visit. Managing to not find breakfast, we waited it out until lunch time, when the four of us polished off a Canadian pizza. When the fair ended, we headed over to the Pacific Mall for some relaxation. Upon returning to our hotel, we spent two hours doing homework, then went up to our rooms. We talked for hours about life and its unpredictability and complexity. It felt like forever. We slept at 1:20.
The next morning, we awoke to loud music and a man shouting over a megaphone. City hall, right across the road from our room, was hosting a marathon. We went out to find breakfast, although crossing the marathon was quite a hassle. We split up, two of us shopping inside the Eaton Centre while the other two went back to the University Fair.
We met up at 2:00 and headed for home. All in all, an amazing time.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Posted by Set Your Heart Free at Saturday, October 09, 2010 0 comments
It's been a long week that we've fought our way through, and I suppose it's time to relax. We went off for bubbletea after school and met new people. Later, we went to Milestone's, intending to stay for just an appetizer, but the restaurant's atmosphere lulled us in and we decided to stay for dinner. Our waitress was very polite and kind to us and the food was great - we all ordered one form of pasta. Seafood fettuccine was amazing, although I ALMOST finished it :[ The appetizer was quite good too, various breads with little sauces along the side, one either raspberry or cranberry and the other hawthorn, along with poppy-seed goat cheese and roasted garlic.
September and October have been quite hectic months, full of amazing days. We've been to party after birthday party, traveled far, and barely had chance to breathe. Yesterday was the breather we needed, a pause to let us regain ourselves before we continue on.
After dinner, we went up to the mall roof. We found a dark corner and talked. Two rabbits appeared nearby, grazing on the grass. What did life have in store for us? It's hard to think that in two years, we would have to leave everyone behind and move on by ourselves. What will happen between now and then? The night sky was cloudy. It rained for a little while, but we still sat, under our umbrellas, and talked. Life is about taking chances, but some chances we just cannot take. Can you just keep stumbling and falling? When will we ever learn? There is never an ending to the story, but we can continue to make things happen. Things don't have to end just because we stumbled and fell. Perhaps things will rule in our favour. We'll never know.
Posted by Set Your Heart Free at Saturday, October 09, 2010 0 comments