Thursday, April 29, 2010


Song: Masayoshi Yamazaki | One More Time, One More Chance

I'm really impatient. I know I've been snappy with you, but you should know me by now. I'm not selfless.

I'm at crossroads, and I really don't know where to turn. I told myself that I would take whichever road that came first, but I can't seem to walk away from you. I should be facing the future, wondering what would become of me, but instead, I am constantly looking back, helping you stumble, even as you get further and further away because you do not seem to care about going forwards. What do I do?

I said to my friend that I had lost sight of my happy place long ago. The only true happiness I can remember is when we were innocent, little, and carefree. The years have flown by too fast now, or maybe it's because we've been caught up in our own whirlwind of mischief, danger, and teenageness. There are times of temporary happiness that make me smile, but once it's over, it all comes back. Like Western medicine only treats the symptoms, the temporary happiness can only last for so long. I need Eastern medicine.

She told me that when I find that happy place, to not look back.

Sigh. If I leave, will you sing one day? I don't want you to. Not this song. I can't be happy if you're not happy. But right now, I don't seem to be happy. I don't want you to regret anything. I want you to take this chance now. Realize what you have, and grab on before it flies away.